Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thoughts with Depth...

.In reality.... there is no reality.

.A perfect world where we live,procreate and die. Somewhere in between are womanizing and drinking.

.When nobody wants you...the least you can do for yourself is to love thyself.

.Seems the 'M' names ruled at some time...Marcos Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther king... maybe I should become a Maxwell.

.To the man with a saw... everything looks like wood right?

.If you believe in God,you must believe in evil.

 .Life: An illusion of the stress and madness we face today..

.Believe in your will confuse the truth!

.When life gives you periods... you abbreviate!

.Nothing has driven me further away from religion than the religious.

.I just don't see the rationale behind a random human cooking up a story and 1,000,000 grown people typing amen to it.

.The masters or the masses? I choose the masses,they are us.

.The message of Christianity will always hold true and pure to me. The problem is the application and the ones who lord over it.

.We all want to be disciples or followers of Jesus.... but who do we emulate? Peter,Judas and the doubting Thomas!

.If only we were who we claim we are...

.See what you like... like what you see?

.Many of us Africans in diaspora super-contradict our thoughts and values. Imagine yourself deep set in Africa,would you do what you did yesterday?

.You still have to choose to believe what is true even in moments of the deepest truth.

.I pray i'm a able to give my child/children the life i never had.. something they will write about when im no longer here.

.Limelight cant do too much to some peoples dark life.

.Summary of Nigerians case: Made it to heaven but forgot the keys.

.Sometimes all one needs is a rude re-awakening.

.Skin color is bone-marrow deep.

.Overwhelmed by my own thoughts.... Aint that life?

.I text God, he didn't text back... He called.

.The most cocky/arrogant people are the ones who never knew what it was like to give their non-sliver spoons to the ones who had no idea of metal.

.Out of darkness comes light, twilight and tonight...

☆Jubril Blaize☆
     May 2013

Home's where my Heart is....

Home's where my Heart is....