Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Angel or What?

He sniffed from the terrible and annoying pollen grains that were set free into the air that morning as he paced down the road trying to catch the first train to his interview location.The cold wind hitting blindly into his face wasn't near enough to slow him down.He increased his pace as he crossed the T-junction downtown Chicago.
The past few weeks had been full of spiritual zeal for Duke.A young man,quite good looking for his age if you would ask the opposite sex,he beleieved what he didn't fear would never hurt him.He was motivated by faith,touched by the unknown and the fear of only tomorrow made him struggle relentlessly in this unfair world.
Now at the train station,he bought out the few nickels he had in his pocket to see if their sum would be enough to let him pay for a round trip.They weren't enough.This was where his passion for success came into play;nothing was going to stop him from getting to his interview.Not minding his financial disability at the time,he got on the train staying positive and hoping a miracle would happen.Well,a miracle did happen,the conductor let him off at the next station!
So back on the streets he was,trying to figure out his next move.He turned to the crowd,gazed into the thin air but no ideas yet.The simple fact was that he didn't have enough money so going back home was inevitable.
He finally decided,he would get a one way ticket and walk the rest of the distance.Not a good idea but okay.
Just as he came up with this thought,a random elderly man walked up to him,his words were "Looks,like you could use some change??...and handed Duke some money".He gladly accepted the money and thanked the old man.The man disappeared into the crowd.Duke made it to his interview.The question,an angel or what?

☆Jubril Blaize☆
     April 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A deal with the unknown

The year was 1999.Time and place;approximately 3.30pm in Ikeja Lagos,Nigeria.Picture me walking through a bustling and inconsiderate crowd who don't care about how little or fragile i was at time.I was supposed to be making my way back home from the days shower of Math lessons but heres where curiosity and questioning the unknown brought me.I have no idea why i was a target but heres how i went through the day that year.
A man walked up to me, couldn't quite get his sentences together but being a smart kid i gathered and summed up what he was trying to say.He was speaking in French with little English trying to tell me  he was lost and was trying to get directions.I looked at the little piece of paper he had in his hands,the address didn't quite make sense to me.I told him he had things mixed up and there was no way the address existed.He then decided to tell me how he had VCR, TV sets,cell phones to pickup at this address from a Lady he had a business deal with.
Thinking like a child that i was,I immediately told him that he had been deceived or should i say duped...?
I felt like his Alpha and Omega at the time.I felt like i had designed a rocket to the moon,i had just saved someone some time in his life.

To be continued...

☆Jubril Blaize☆
     April 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Quotable Quotes in my Life

Applause-When the million applaud you,seriously ask what harm you have done;when they censure you,what good!~ Colton
Brotherhood-If God is thy father,man is thy brother.~ Lamartine
Children-The smallest children are nearest to God,as the smallest planets are nearest to the sun.~ Richter
Death-Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live.- Henry Van Dyke
Experience-We are often Prophets to others,only because we are our own historians.~ Mad.Swetchine
Freedom-Countries are cultivated,not as they are fertile but as they are free.~ Montesquieu
Generosity-A generous man places the benefits he confers beneath his feet;those he receives nearest to his heart.
Home-He is the happiest,be he a king or peasant,the one who finds peace in his home.~ Goethe
Ignorance-Better be unborn than untaught,for ignorance is the root of misfortune.~ Plato
Jealousy-This is the injured lovers shell.~ Milton
Knowledge-The word knowledge,strictly employed,implies three things;truth,proof and conviction.~ Whately
Life-Why all this toil for the triumphs of an hour?~ Young
Man-Indisputably a great,good,handsome man is the first of created things.~ C.Bronte
Name-A virtuous name is the precious,only good,for which Queens and peasants wives must contest together.~ Schiller
Opinion-We think very  few people sensible,except those who are of our opinion.~ Rochefoucauld
Parents-Next to God,they parents.~ Penn
Quiet-What sweet delight a quiet life affords.~ Drummond
Religion-A man who puts aside his religion because he is going into society is like one taking off his shoes because he is about to walk upon thorns.~ Cecil
Secrecy-A secret is too little tor one,enough for two,and too much for three.~ Howell
Temptation-Do all that you can to stand,and then fear lest you may fall,and by the grace of God you are safe.~Tyron Edwards
Uncertainty-All that lies between the cradle and the grave is uncertain.~ Seneca
Vanity-Every occasion will catch the sense of the vain man,and with that bridle and saddle you may ride him~ Sir,P.Sidney
Woman-There is a woman at the beginning of all great things.~ Lamartine
Youth-The morning of life is like the dawn of day,full of purity,of imagery and harmony.~ Chateaubriand
Zeal-To be furious in religion is to be irreligiously religious.~ Penn

☆Jubril Blaize☆
 September 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Whats on your mind??

"Did u just ask what i had on my mind?"....

Right now?It is,ummmmmmm my mum!
I really miss my mum.....
Ok,ok.let me describe her in a few words:-My mum is my home.I cant describe,shes that place where i can really go to rest my head.Gosh..i dnt know how to go about it..Lets say shes an enigma thus the yoruba saying (Iya ni wura iyebiye) meaning mothers are priceless!
Back to the place.That place where i can run to alone and yet everything remains everything.With time, i've learnt to age with my mum over the phone.I saw my mother last in 2007.As i lay here in bed,i see her beckoning to me..wanting me to come home.
Eachtime i talk to her,i can sense her aging...or should i say metamorphose back into a child.
Then again i wanna go home..but have i accomplished my mission here?
I so happen to be the 1st of 4 children,3 boys and a sole sister.I left home early 2005 to pursue my education in "No-Mans Land";what we know today as the United states.
As i made it through the departure at the airport in Lagos that night,God knows the tens of thousands thoughts that filtered through my multi-formous mind.One of the most consistent thoughts that night i remember was me wishing i could wish.I sincerely do not believe in wishing.
I wanted my mum with me so bad,i'm sure she felt the same too but yes,we had to face actual reality.Her 1st son was leaving...............................for good??
I cannot answer that question till today.
I wouldn't see her again until December 2007 when she came to visit.she did end up getting ill and didn't make it back home until sometime in early March.Very trying time in life i must tell you,but with the help of the Alpha and Omega we made past the mark the devil thought he had made for us.
Real life experience here,since then i and my mum have aged together over the phone.Shared our birthdays,our love,gossip,successes and desires...thank God for technology.
So when i see people describe their mothers with basic words that man put meaning to...I sense its undeserving and unappreciative.
Moments in time are the best way to describe people that are dear to you.
These are my moments,what are yours?

☆Jubril Blaize☆
    April 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Daddy's one girl

He was 22,she was already 29....
A physically matured man at the time when compared to most males at that age,young and cultured in heart but one thing;very curious to find out what possibilities existed in this puzzle called life he was born into.
Talking about possibilities,he had a good chance because there was already a strong foundation laid down for him by the ones who gave  him life.The "Ready button",need just be hit when he was set to quiz the world.
One possibility was feelings he would nurse for the opposite sex that couldn't be described as love nor lust as those are the extremes.Bigger picture,seemed to be catastrophes waiting to be recorded right from the onset.
Education was important,he knew this.His father had told him there was no better way up the ladder than to climb it from the bottom,no shortcuts he had warned him.
Trouble was welcomed when he ignorantly fell into the trap of this older lady.Yes,he was lured into it.How?One cant explain but yes,the end result was a Life.A beautiful girl.
9 months later,she would knock at his door asking to see his parents with his child in her arms.He was going to be the father of an unwanted child.He was going to be added to the U.N statistic of adults with unwanted children.A product of a one-night stand.
True,because the typical African parent/grandparent would deny such a relationship.He knew it was his,they knew it was their first grandchild.He set his eyes on her only once and disappeared searching for greener pasture.Time would pass,only for him to hear about the death of his child few years after.
My question/s:
1.What was he supposed to do...??
Do remember he had no connection whatsoever with this child,he had only set his eyes on her once and left home afterwards.He didnt know her name,what she looked like,basically no emotional connections.
Should it be good news in the sense that,he never wanted a child and now "Life" took her away itself or should it be bad news in the general of a loss of a child;his own child??

☆Jubril Blaize☆

    April 2010

Home's where my Heart is....

Home's where my Heart is....