Friday, September 9, 2011

Testimony of two worlds apart

International Bliss:
"AFRICA!! Still want to go to Africa with you!!!!
And why would you feel like you did not do something right? ?You were so sweet to me during our days at Ole Miss! I'm glad we met! so remember that when you think of me... You and I were meant to cross paths and we have a friendship that will continue on!
Also, how is your family?? Your mom? Be sure to tell her I asked about her!"

Something like love she said: 
"Luckily, one morning last year, I woke up, and "smelled the coffee" and I knew, it was time to pack up...and let sleeping dogs lie. So I did. I realized that our relationship was over before it started...although I tried to believe he would treat me differently from every other girl, atleast just because of our friendship, I thought I could change him, but I was wrong. I could not patch anything up, that was just the way he was, and it does not make him a bad person (because he did have good intentions and wanted to be faithful (well that's what he said), but he just couldn't), it just makes him...well NOT good enough for me. I am not going to play a victim, because I knew better, I knew what I was getting I know better. Like I said, lesson learnt!
So now I know, to never settle to be treated for less than I deserve. To never try to change or hope to fix another human being (when it comes to love and relationships). I know to accept certain realities about life, like the fact that people are people, we are who we are. My current knowledge takes me back to the quote byMaya Angelou "if someone shows you who they are, believe them," which in this regard implies that if I had paid more attention to my ex's actions, and not his words "or many promises of wanting to change," I would seen exactly who he was. I would have seen that that was not the relationship I wanted or needed. I would have known it was not love, because if you love somebody, you do not hurt them. You respect them, and more importantly, you do not take advantage of their trust.  
 I now know that (my ideal type of) love is simple without complexities or pride, with no if's or maybe's. Love is full-speed, it's giving all of yourself, it's that look in a mother's eyes when she sees her new born baby, it's that look in a groom's eyes, when he sees his bride walking down the aisle. Love is waking up in the morning with smiles... love is a beautiful poem, it is an inspiring song, it is not painful, it does not cheat, lie, deceive or hurt. Love is faithful, love is real...Love is...just LOVE."

"As i look back an the last several months that we have worked together in Brown and Kincannon Halls,I see a strong and consistent leader.I see a man who leads by example both academically and in his job performance. At first,your quiet ways seemed to be the sample of the quiet and reserved person i would be working with this year:but after these few months,i know it is not true.Everyday i appreciate your ability to quietly take in what is going on around you and being handed to you to accomplish,and i marvel in your ability to wait patiently for explanations and for all the peices of the puzzle to come together. The ability to patiently wait for full deails under the high stresses of positions like ours can sometimes take people years to master,and it is a skill i still aspie to acquire oneday"

Birthday Wish
"Happy Birthday to the sweetest,kindest most thoughtful guy i know.... Wishing you all the best on your day!! Love you muaah"

Unquestioned Answer: 
"Having known this fella for a little over nine months, and with steady acquainting ourselves with our inner triumphs and fears, growing fond of his "ruthless and raw" character has turned out to become somewhat of a "given".
This man, and anything pertaining to him has become my sweet indulgence. One thing for sure, i continuously shower him with all my "seemingly naive" sweet, genuine truths. I just feel like he deserves the best in life. I know not of his wrongs or where he's fallen short of respect, but nevertheless, i am inclined to pray for him everyday, mentioning his name aloud. The few times that I've called to check on him, his wisdom has bitten me hard and kicked me into reality (which is what I need from time to time).
Well, this day October 18th, 2010, I promised myself that I will not shun this man but instead distance (with utmost subtlety) myself from him for a meaningful time; pull myself together and decide what kind of support I would benefit from him, because i am falling in a "trap"."

Emotions "You would make someone really happy one have a good personality,you're funny,you're hot yellow cute,you're carefree,fairly clean and responsible. You just need to work on your communication and openess skills"

"I dont know... I just always felt like you were battling with something on the inside... Like I only knew what I saw not you for real"

" Hey, this is so random, but who would you say is the closest person to you? ...I imagine you as this popular guy who has tons of friends,but has no issue riding solo or being solo Or...your friends dont experience the whole or total you...idk if i make any sense lol...or maybe thats just my own personal experience with you."

    • Fight Risk: 
      "Wow... hes such a punk man!! why didn't he talk to you about it, if he did have a problem.. instead of trying to knock you out...
      You should have punched him back then.. since he's a dick head"

What are your conclusions about this kind of guy?

☆Jubril Blaize☆

 September 2011

Note:These are actual true accounts.I put them together to see what picture they depict... ?? 

1 comment:

  1. These are 6 different accounts of your personality, they all know/knew you in different ways, different situations, you cant expect the impressions to be unanimous all though they are Positive well at least 4. A broken heart will always be negative, no matter if the positives of the time together out weighed the negative ones, first cut is the deepest they say. For the few months I have known you, I can say its a mixture of 4 of the impressions above give and take a few words...most definitely give tho. Different stage in your life different experience i have of you. I wont say much to inflate your head but my impression of you is far from Negative. In fact my only negative is personal and It isn't something that defines your character, if an outsider was to justify it, my negative sorta paints a good picture of your character.

    The very last person seems to only be judging you from a story they heard. I wont even consider or count that as something that matters.

    Yellowness aka Rayden you me laugh a lot. You have a great sense of humor.


Home's where my Heart is....

Home's where my Heart is....