Saturday, April 14, 2012

Living in America to get rich or to die trying?

Gathering my thoughts.......I had to go through what i went through in America in order to get to where i am today but sometimes i am not so sure why this rutty road (kicks on the bitumen pavement in front of the house) had to be quite so long.I woke up this morning with questions in my head,so ive decided to ask them starting with this little story.I have a lot to ask but who knows by the time i finish,i might have been booted back to Nigeria. L0L but oh well, only then will aluta continua!

Picture this: Gavin is a thirty two year old father to two brilliant girls. One evening on his way back from a bachelors party,he pulls over on the roadside to relax and regain full control of his vehicle because of a slight headache. He had taken a bottle of beer less than two hours ago at the party.He shouldnt have,as Gavin is not a regular drinker,in fact the last time he tasted alcohol was ten years ago at a reception while he was in College.Feeling a little uncomfortable with his insides and sight;he decides to pull over and relax for 30mins before he continues his drive home.Thirty minutes later,he would be arrested for driving under the influence(DUI) even when the car was in park.There goes a criminal offence in the records of a decent,mid class American family man.
Do we understand the trauma faced by an individual charged with a DUI,?
How the f**k is he supposed to continue to raise his children as a normal father after he has been labelled a criminal? I did he raise two girls with positive future if he already had the tendency of commiting a criminal act at some point in his future life?
On the other side of town,Javon a serial rapist has just almost succeeded in a rape attempt on one of the teenagers in the area.He would not escape this one as his plans did not exactly go as proposed. He is later arrested and capped with an attempt to rape and several rape charges.
Two days ago,waheeb a British descent is arrested for driving drunk,on his way back to the hotel after binge drinking all-night.That is of course a DUI charge,a criminal offense.
Allow me to add the murder charge on George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin,a teenager who was gunned down for some incoherent reason.
These,to me are different scenes and different crimes based on their gravity but in the America we live in today,they are not far from eachother.These are criminal charges from M - F,weekends not excluded.
While I don't condone DUI, what they have done over the years is to create a huge moneymaking machine.
There are tonnes and tonnes of bars/alcohol centres across the American continent. Alcohol companies make billions of dollars every year from ridiculous sales;same goes for tobacco excise.There is no law imposed on these companies somewhat.But drinking is taken harsh when the alcohol gets down to the consumers.The plan is to make money no matter what,alcohol is the most taxed consumer good out there.A friend said "The government doesn’t make a penny on liquor,the government just waits to steal our money when we purchase alcohol. The government only ‘makes’ war. The fines are steep,the implication of a DUI as a criminal offense is simply crazy.
A DUI puts George,Gavin,Javon and Waheeb in the same fish net. I disagree to that,its senseless.
I smell moist fish somewhere! Somethings foul! The $$$$ game is apparent here..... Ummmmmmm,not in my pocket but the governments.
(First the vehicle in which you ride in is towed away,this here would be your first $300 to recover your car.Then you are charged to Court and of course one would need legal representation,this would range from $2000 to a maximum of $10,000.The processing court would now charge you a fine coupled with court fees ranging $1500 to $2000. The Court would recommend you for community service or an alcohol programme which you would definitely pay for;another $500 out of pocket) Now calculate this total on one DUI case.
Just last week four men who were convicted of murder and received full pardons last week were released into the atmosphere in Mississippi. Anthony McCray,Charles Hooker,Joseph Ozment and David Gatlin were all serving life sentences and worked as inmate trusties at the governor's mansion, (Trusties are inmates who can receive additional rights through good behavior) so were entitled to freedom because of this?
Yes,i know it is at any governor's discretion. But did they really deserve a pardon?
Thier crimes:
Gatlin was convicted of murder, aggravated assault and burglary of a residence, Ozment was convicted of murder, conspiracy and armed robbery in a separate case. Hooker was convicted in a 1991 murder, while McCray was convicted in a 2001 murder.
Of course the families of the victims killed by these men expressed outrage at the Governors decision to let them go free. Do we sense foul play here? Of course we do.
The same Governor in a different story,pardoned a man after his third drunken driving arrest in a little more than year......he was in custody on suspicion of a 4th DUI case when he was pardoned.Just a week after the pardon, Bostick would be involved in a car crash which would lead to the death of a young lady,Charity Smith,such a tragic loss of an innocent life. He was not at fault but had alcohol in him.
While somewhere in an American jail,somebody served almost two years of his life for killing dogs. Does that even make sense? I didnt see petitions or letters doled out to an already adultrated justice system,or were people just too scared or racist because the case involved a man of African American descent? I simply lack the understanding.
Bostick's case offers a close look into the pardon process and the friendships and ties that often intersect with the political world in America. High-profile friends of the former federal investigator's, including lawyers and former U.S. attorneys, wrote letters to Barbour touting what they called Bostick's genuine lifestyle change.
Aint this right in the eyes of man??? Yea,right.
His release did turn around and bit them in their asses.Call it karma if you like.

One can only become an American citizen by birth or naturalization. Please understand that naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)..This can happen in a few ways.
Naturalization processes include a marriage to an American citizen. Being an international student and having lived in America for almost eight yrs,i can say i have a thorough idea about how this process goes.
My problem here is: Internationals and of course immigrants(legal and illegal) are not allowed to work unless by special authorizatiion by the DHS (department of homeland Security). But when they are ready to undergo a naturalization process,they are required to show proof of working in the United States. How does that tally?
Another way the American Government cyphones money out of our pockets legally... because once you pay the fees associated with filing for a change of status,it seems to me the government throws caution to the wind and suddenly forgets that a law which does not allow foreign nationals or illegal residents to work ever existed.You are suddenly now free to disclose to government officials that you had been making money under the table illegally.

Everyday Americans pay millions out of their pockets to the government in speed/traffic fines.Unknowingly people succumb to these speed traps. My problem here is.... why do we need speed traps? why have such good roads that are speed/race worthy but yet with little speed limits,why have these cars with speedometers ranging from 200-260 miles/hr?
To the Government:Why not pass a law that henceforth cars be designed so that they can only speed up to 80miles/hr if you really want to control speed based accidents?
Why not put a ban on import of cars that can speed up to 80miles/hr?
Precisely on the 2nd of January early this year,i bagged 2 tickets worth $700+,one was for speeding,the other was termed "unsafe operation of vehicle". The officer said i was doing double the speed limit,80 on a 40. What The Hell is unsafe operation of a vehicle? When did a vehicle become human to care about its unsafe operation. Who are you to decipher how i operate my vehicle?
Im very sure i was going above the speed limit but not 80,this i argued this in Court but only one ticket could be dismissed,the smaller one of course. The radar caught me and the "human made radar" cant lie. I still owe 500+ in fines till date from a speed ticket. Better believe that.
Installing speed cameras,radar devices and paying officers to design speed traps do cost a lot of money.Why dont we just drive cars that cant go above certain speed? No,the government wouldn't invest in all this in the name of the millions of $$$ its making both from the car manufacturers and we the civilians paying these crazy fines.

Gun carrying/handling licenses are given to people of various unknown mental states.Somebody,black/white/hispanic ends up being dead by these guns. And then a Court process starts...$$$$$$$ is paid and only for us to hear different kinds of laws we never heard of.... Stand your ground law,No retreat law,Self defense law and all sorts of laws that support MURDER. Yet we say America is a civil democratic society?
We are paying through our asses to live here,somebody help me.
The Government should feel free to look away,Americans are getting used to it.

Just my thoughts.


  1. Hmm! I guess Nigeria is still a very less complicated place to live in.

  2. It's all about the money...dollar dollar bills ya'll.



Home's where my Heart is....

Home's where my Heart is....