Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jubrelativity: A phase of before and after

Just a simple logic to life that i woke up with in my head.....
We do realize without a poor populace,we cannot define a rich one?
Some words/ideas cannot be termed the truth if lies did not exist?
There will never be a yes,if no failed to co-exist?
Maybe "we" are only men because of the existence of the women folk?
There is no up if there is no down....
Old if young didn't co-exist...
We wouldn't know peace if danger wasn't apparent?
Same applies for love and hate relationships?
Right and left...
Beautiful because of ugly...

Okay...why all these pretty obvious words and their antonyms?
I have just blamed myself for failure several times...
I've told myself or wished to myself "can do better"
I do realize failure exists because there is success somewhere....
But who determines my success?
Aren't failure and success relative in different worlds?
Have i not only failed because i have compared myself to a world standard?
Who sets the standard in a world where lawyers have to hope one gets in trouble,doctors have to hope one falls ill,the car mechanic wishes your car breaks down and undertakers will pray for your death....a world where only the thief wishes you well..?
I'll rather be hungry for success in a different world,fall 10 times but stand up eleven in that world..........

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Home's where my Heart is....